Mount an lvm logical volume from a qcow2 file

Mounting qcow2 files to host filesystem

Converting to raw and mounting

kpartx does not work very well with qcow2 files. You can convert the qcow2 file to a raw file:

qemu-img convert "${oldfile}" "${newfile}"

You can now find the partitions and map them:

kpartx -av "${newfile}"
mount /dev/loop2p2 /mnt/foo

Modifying a virtual machine to use the new image file

You can modify a virtual machine definition to use this new file:

virsh dumpxml ${domain} > domain.xml
vi domain.xml # Lines “source file=/path/file.raw” and “driver name=qemu type=raw"
virsh create domain.xml

Mounting lvm logical volumes from the image file

Update lvm with the currently attached disks.

pvscan; lvscan; lvdisplay

Now you can mount /dev/mapper/cl_centos7–02a_root to a mount point.



  1. Converting qcow2 file to raw to make it work with kpartx
  2. An alternate way to mount a qcow2 file

Man pages

  1. virsh

Resize a live logical volume

Resizing a live logical volume

If you use lvm to abstract the filesystems away from the direct hardware, you might need to know how to add additional space without taking the filesystem offline. This post shows how you might do that.

Attach new disk

Save current state to a file for comparison.

ls -l /dev/{s,v}d* > ~/

Install additional disk to system (in hypervisor or attach to physical machine).
Scan with (from sg3_utils package).
If that fails, try

find /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/scan | while read line; do echo "- - -" > $line; done

Find the name of the new disk:

ls -l /dev/{s,v}d* > ~/
diff ~/ ~/

The output should be the name of the new disk.

Create a new partition

How to do it in fdisk:

fdisk /dev/newdisk

Add the partition to lvm and the logical volume

pvcreate /dev/newdisk1
vgextend vgname /dev/newdisk1
lvextend /dev/vgname/lvname /dev/newdisk1

Resize the filesystem

Filesystem type ext4 can be resized live:

resize2fs /dev/vgname/lvname